Road rage is a huge problem among drivers across the country, and Illinois is no exception. Drivers exhibiting road rage […]
Driving while tired can be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol and can increase the driver’s risk […]
Approximately 350 people are killed by wrong-way accidents each year. While other factors contribute to wrong-way accidents, drunk driving is […]
The number of auto recalls has steadily increased across the globe. Automobile manufacturers are required to report problems with their […]
When negligence leads to ambulance accidents that result in injuries or death, negligent medical employees and sometimes the EMS provider […]
A malfunctioning braking system can cause serious accidents and injuries and when defective, improperly installed, or inadequately maintained brakes result […]
Independence Day is the most dangerous American holiday weekend of the year, accounting for almost half of all DUI car […]
Most vehicle accidents happen in or near street intersections and are often the result of negligence and failure to obey […]
Tire-related accidents that often result in injuries and fatalities can be prevented by taking the time to regularly maintain and […]
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